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4x4 Tapestry

Bouwmeester-Maître architecte de la Région Bruxelles Capitale, Olivier Bastin
Proposition d'une vision autour de la Jonction Nord-Midi sous forme d'une tapisserie de 4x4 m
Studio 012
Textiellab Tillburg

Concerned with the impact of mobility infrastructure on the Brussels territory, the Chief Architect of the Brussels Capital Region, Olivier Bastin, invited four Belgian and international architect firms to focus on the issue by sharing their visions of the North-South connection railway link. Based on an exceptional stage design concept, these four architect firms are to present their vision in the form of four large tapestries (4m x 4m), the size of which inspired the name of the exhibition. Tapestries have played an important role throughout history: they would depict and recount the perceptions of the powerful, in both their homes and battlefields. These four tapestries are meant to be decorative but also a memory and a celebration, and were hung in the Centre for Fine Arts from 7 December 2012 to 10 February 2013. They will serve as food for thought in the debate on one of the main urban challenges that Brussels and its suburbs will have to face in the next few years. (Bozar)